I just got home from a pretty wonderful Friday at school. One of the last three Fridays I will ever spend at HABA actually (huh? really? only 2.5 weeks of school left?) Being in such a good mood caused me to take way too many photos and some pretty silly videos. They represent a fairly typical day.
My day always begins with the inevitable screech of the alarm clock at 8:05 am. I shower. Eat breakfast. Check the internet. And then go back to bed for another 15 min. Around 9:05 I drag myself back up and head out into the freeeeeeezing cold and walk to HABA. When it's not raining/snowing/incredibly windy its a delightful 15 minute walk.

This morning we had what they called the "HABA Bazaar". All the kids brought a bunch of toys, books and clothing to sell on little mats to their classmates. It was soooo much fun to watch how some of them really got into selling their junk, turning into yelling, bartering, ajummas.

After the fun morning (usually a morning filled with 30-60 min classes) I head to Violet class to help serve and eat lunch with them. Most of the time I sit quietly and listen to what I assume are conversations regarding the state of the economy and South Korean politics. Other times I talk about animals and food and make silly faces. Regardless, lunch time is generally relaxing and sort of entertaining (unless it is squid or pressed fish day. Then I'm not such a happy camper)

When 1:40 rolls around it is time for afternoon English Club classes to begin. English club ranges in age from 5 year olds to 3rd graders. All of us English teachers get to teach each group of kids at least once a week and everyday the schedule is different. On Friday's I teach "Cooking in English" to the 5 year olds. Its always sticky and usually fun. Today we made "giant sandwiches".

We put ham, cucumbers, apples, cheese, tomatoes and mayo on a giant baguette. They actually turned out delicious and a little too big for their tiny mouths. Sally : "This is veeeeery big".

After cooking its time for EC7A, a class full of incredibly bright and energetic 7 year olds. We spend most of the class doing book work but always ended playing board games or singing or dancing. Today Chris decided he wanted to sing me a song. Does anyone recognize it?
Finally, I will leave you with one last video of the 5 year old cooking class working on their recipe coloring sheets. As you can see, I have a lot of conversations with myself. And have NO idea what is really ever going on.