Christmas in Australia was unlike any other Christmas I have ever had. While I spent Christmas away from home last year (Paris), it was in a new city to me and it was cold. This year not only were we in our "home" city for the time being, but it was extremely, sweat drippingly, can't move because I might melt, hot. We had a few invitations for the big day, but ended up spending our Australian Christmas with a few Irish friends celebrating, drinking and eating a huge 'traditional' Irish dinner.

We were invited to Irish Christmas by our friend Crazy (his name is really Cathal, which sounds like an Irish version of 'Karl', but we can't seem to say it right ever), who promised that the beer would be cold and our tummies would be stuffed. It was an offer we couldn't refuse and on Christmas morning we found ourselves packing a taxi with a case of TEDs (toohey's extra dry beer...sorta like miller i guess), sugar cookies, and Allie's delicious spinach artichoke dip. OH! and a chocolate cake for Jesus' birthday in accordance with one of Allie's family traditions. We arrived at Crazy's friend Stevie's house to find a sweet dog, a new wii to play with, a ton of food/beer, and an overall relaxing atmosphere.
Christmas day followed pretty much the same pattern as it does at home, eat, drink, play with new toys, but with a few additions like suntan, swim and sit outside till 1 am. The dinner was absolutely delicious and very much like our Thanksgiving dinner: Turkey, roasted veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, and some very tasty pork. Everyone seemed to enjoy the birthday cake even though we didn't get a chance to sing Jesus "Happy Birthday". It was so so so nice to actually sit around a big table and eat a big meal with an group of other Christmas orphans.

After dinner we goofed around the pool, and eventually ended up playing an epic game of KINGS. One of the BEST parts of the evening festivities was when the absolutely wonderful hosts brought out a plate of freshly fried up chips and spring rolls. Drunchies satisfied without evening leaving the house! This is definitely something I need to remember to do for future parties that I throw.