I feel lucky. I have had my fair share of grand adventures. I have lived on two different continents other then North America over the last three years and visited many more in between. I have made memories that will last a lifetime but will forever seem like a distant daydream. Christmas on the eiffel tower? Sunsets on seemingly deserted Australian beaches? Teaching English to a class of adoring Korean children with smiling faces and big hearts? Yeah right. These are things to remember. And to love. And to share. And to learn from. I have realized that I am a mover. An adventurer. A gypsy soul. But while travel by definition is pretty much always an adventure I am learning that I am currently embarking on what could be the greatest adventure of all. Living a life that I will not soon have to leave. Making connections with people that I will not soon say goodbye to. Gaining experience that will lead to something tangible in the future. Setting up a home that is truly mine, and not only where I stay in passing.
And I am excited.