Me: So Sam would you like to meet the cat in the hat?
Sam: No. (without any hesitation at all)
Me: Oh really, and why not?
Sam: He is crazy monkey.
Me: I think that he is actually a cat. The title says that the story is about a cat not a monkey.
Sam: No Abby teacher...he CRAZY monkey.
Me: So you would not want him to be your friend?
Sam: No. Way too CRAZY.
Me: Sounds good...go ahead and write that down as your answer.
After this the 3 other students also decided that the cat in the hat must be a crazy monkey cat and they would not like to meet him. They also decided that the cat could only be wearing a hat for one reason and one reason was raining a lot and he did not want to get his hairdo wet. Very wise indeed. I may have been laughing the whole time.
What do you think?

hahahaha love lil kid statements!
i can see this crazy monkey/cat.
i think he is shaped like a giraffe...and also sorta terrifying looking haha..but forever he will always be a crazy monkey now...that is too good
Just giggled. For real. Crazy monkeys are not okay. Ever.
I love crazy monkeys!!!
They sound like very wise little kids to me.
I think Sam is my fave.
im not sure who taught them the word crazy but another kid, Tony, who is older pretty much refuses to do anything and just talks about how crazy i am and how crazy the book that we are working on is and how crazy his classmate eddie is. its sort of frustrating but i can't help but giggle inside/after class/right now. The other teacher, ryan, had him today and i was in the class next to him and heard him yell "TONY I AM NOT CRAZY. AND EDDIE IS NOT CRAZY. SIT DOWN", and i laughed out loud in front of the 9 year olds i was teaching, who thought that yes, i was in fact crazy.
Aunt Sutie & Alana say" Abby CRAZY teacher!"
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