The afternoon began with finding a dry spot to set up camp and fire up the grill. We ended up under the coverings by the soccer field at the park. As 4th of July tradition states we had hamburgers (Australian beef, Koreans don't care too much for US beef) and hot dogs. We even found pepperjack cheese for the burgers!!
The field was quickly taken over by a hoard of boys playing full field soccer. It was the perfect entertainment.
However, when it started to rain heavily all 22ish boys joined us under the covering in an attempt to stay dry. We learned that they were pretty much all 11 years old and that one of them was from Delaware. They were funny and when they said they were hungry from the intense soccer game they had been playing David handed out the bread we had brought as well as a gatorade. Cus really, who needs gatorade on the 4th of July when you have good old OB BLUE to quench your thirst.
When the rain let up a Korean family invited us down to play soccer with them. We were then invited over to their table for kimbab (kind of like sushi), popcorn, steamed potatoes and yellow melon (a close friend of the watermelon we were informed). They family was super sweet and very excited to use the English that they know. While Grandpa (who claimed to be 73 but didn't look a day over 60) said he had learned English as a child in school, the Aunt said that she had learned from the Internet and tv. Crazy. We kept saying how something like this rarely if every happens in the US. When was the last time you saw a family invite random foreigner strangers over for lunch? It was wonderful.
After eating WAY too much food from the generous family, it was time for more games. Big David and little David had a face off while Andy waited for his turn to join the action.
Later that evening (after a much needed beer/food induced nap) it was time to head back to the park for fireworks. Although we only had sparklers, bottle rockets and fountains the American spirit was in the air. I made sure that a Leonard family dance of the sparklers happened.
All in all it was the perfect was to spend America's birthday outside of America.
1 comment:
looks like you two had a fantastic 4th!!
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