Two Wednesdays ago I was teaching my rowdy 6 year olds like normal when one of the Korean teachers rushes in and says that we all have to go home. Super confused I went out and asked the other English teacher at Haba what the heck was going on and he informed me that the school just found out that one of the 5 year olds, Raphael, has swine flu and that we do in fact get to go home...for the next week! While neither of us were to concerned and actually pretty happy about this surprise vacation the rest of the school was in chaos. Korean teachers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, talking a mile a minute on the phone with parents and getting all their students ready to leave. Everyone was gone within a half an hour, it was ridiculous. Eventually our won jon (boss) told us that we didn't have to come back to school until the following Thursday or Friday and sent us out the door saying:
"uh don't tell that Haba playschool is sick...not good. And if you have fever call me. But don't get fever please."
So needless to say I tried not to get a fever and spent a lot of time doing this
and it was glorious. Ended up going back to school on Friday and I was actually happy to be there. I sort of missed most of the kids and we had a really fun day making menus of our favorite food and talking about building houses.
As for the swine flu, all the Haba kids are fine now but we do have to take and record our temperatures twice a day. Apparently the Korean government has issued a new law saying that if one student gets swine the whole school must shut down for a week. While David's school is ignoring this law (he has had whole classes absent because they have all been sick) I'm glad that Haba shut down. It will be interesting to see if it happens again.
In more exciting news I had a GREAT weekend playing on the Han river and watching soccer with David and Danny (a friend from Western who just arrived in Korea two weeks ago). David and I rented bikes at Hangang park and spent Saturday afternoon riding along the waterfront.
Around game time we met up with Danny and headed into the stadium and had a great time cheering the red devils on with all the other Koreans (and in David's case heckling the few Australians who ended up on the wrong side of the crowd). Most exciting thing was the South Korea, ranked 48th in the world, was able to beat Australia,16th, 3-1.

sounds like a terrific week break you had there lady!!! wish i could have experienced some of it with you!!
Fun vacation!
oh looks like you had so much fun!!! love it! love you! miss you!!
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