Meet David and Terry. They are 7 years old and very silly. In the morning they are both in Grun class (that is German for green. Each class at HABA is identified by a different color in German. We have gelb, wiesse, schwarz, violet, grun, rot, blau and orange. It makes total sense that an English school in South Korea would categorize itself using German right?) In the afternoons I teach their English club group, which they refer to as "B team", once a week. During this hour I am not only impressed by the progress they have made with their English but throughly entertained by their stories. Today Terry told me about his weekend encounter with his little brother Eric. Eric is 4 and also a student at HABA. Terry refers to Eric solely as "my baby".
Terry: "ABBY TEEEEEEEEEACHER! This weekend my baby scratch me"
Me: "Oh no Terry. Why did Eric scratch you?"
Terry: "My baby Eric...I give him toy....and then he scratch me"
Me: "Was he angry at you Terry?"
Terry: "No. I just give him toy and then he scratch me like this [insert clawing of the face]. I dunno. My baby Eric is crazy"
I somehow think there was more to the story than this. I sincerely hope that none of you encountered any crazy scratching babies this weekend. They seem quite dangerous and out of control.
Oh yeah. They wanted me to take a picture of them coloring. They wanted people to know that yes, they are indeed good students.
"Abbbbbby teacher we will color and you take picture. ok?"
and then 2 seconds later....
p.s. in order to update this more often and to truly show what my everyday life in Korea is like, I have made a pact with David to not only take a picture everyday but to post one as well. so far 3/3. Ole!
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